Post conceptual Doubts/Queries of any topic of Physics
Click Here to read the rules of posting doubt/queries
SELECTED doubtX Queries
Selected Doubt Queries Answered/to be Answered on PG Youtube Channel are listed below.Queries in Green are to be discussed in next upcoming doubtX discussion class on our Youtube Channel with detailed explanation.
Rules of Doubt Posting
Students are allowed to ask any theoretical/conceptual doubt by typing in the text box below. Try to use minimum words in explanation of your query for quick reply on your doubt.
Students can refer questions/concept of below books if they have any conceptual/numerical doubt in these
HC Verma
Physics Galaxy 2e
Conceptual Doubt
Students are advised to refer page number, exercise and q. no of the respective book also in the text box given below if your doubt is for a specific question.
One student can maximum post two queries in the text box given below. For quick reply refer to less number of questions/concepts in one post.
Doubtx portal has a daily doubt posting limit of 500 doubt queries. Once limit is exhausted, portal will open again on next day morning at 5:00am IST.